Global API Key Request
All developers are able to access the API with limits intended for development purposes and one server.
We have temporarily paused the global API request program. We are not currently issuing new global API keys at this time. Thank you for your patience - there is no timeframe for when we will be resuming requests.
The following text remains as an archive, the rate limit increase program is **PAUSED**.
If you plan to release a public application, you should open an API ticket in the PRC Discord to request a global API key. This will allow your application to access higher rate limits and other features in the future.
Who can request a rate limit increase?
Large applications used on 100+ unique servers
Smaller applications that intend to be released to the public with a large set of features already established.
This does not include self-hosted only options. You cannot distribute your API key to the public via a self-host repository.
Registered corporations and brand partners.
If you meet the above requirements and are looking to get a limit increase, you may contact us with the following information:
Application name and website/Discord server URL(s)
A description of your application
A showcase of all features that interact with the PRC API
You must have 3 or more unique features or we will not consider limit increases
A list of developers who have access to your application's codebase
Requests may be submitted to the PRC API ticket support system in our Discord server. Incomplete requests will be discarded.
Alert: [Jan 29, 2025]: We are not issuing new API keys at this time, we expect to begin issuing API keys again within the next week or two, thanks!
Last updated